There’s a difference between being liked and being valued. A lot of people like you, Not many...
Inspirational Quotes
Inspirational Quotes, inspirational quotes about perseverance, positive message of the day, religious inspirational quotes for strength, beautiful positive quotes, great short quotes
The pain will leave once it has finished teaching you This quote suggests that pain, whether physical...
Things that every man should knows : 1. Be quiet and notice everything 2. Be a leader...
When it all gets too heavy, it’s okay to put it down The quote “When it all...
We are being presented with two choices: Evolve or Repeat The quote “We are being presented with...
When things seem to be going against you, pause and consider the alternative This quote is suggesting...
We don’t mature with age, we mature by experience and healing This quote suggests that maturity is...
The size of your problem is nothing compared with your ability to solve them, dont underestimate yourself...
Train yourself to see everything positively This quote suggests that our mindset plays a significant role in...
Wrong is Wrong – Even if everyone is doing it – Right is Right – Even if...
The harder you work for something – the greater you will feel when you achieve it This...
Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it – Right is right even if no one...
You dont have to be great to start – but you have to start to be great...
You are always responsible for how you act – no matter how you feel The quote “You...
When you do something patiently everyday – eventually you become the master of it. The quote “When...