Love stories are some of the most inspiring and captivating tales that humans have been telling for...
Nayab Rasool
Quote : “Distance is just a test to see how far love will travel.” Distance can be...
Quote : “Don’t lose yourself holding on to someone that doesn’t care about you.” It’s a difficult...
Quote : “The base of true love is only Trust.” The quote “The base of true love...
Quote in this Post : “Every time i see you, I fall in love all over again.”...
Quote in this Post : “When i tell you I Love You, I am not saying it...
Quote we choosed : “Happy Saturday, Study Nature, Love Nature, Stay close to nature, It will never...
Quote : “El amor es la llave maestra que abre todas las puertas de la felicidad.” Love...
Motivadoras Quote : “Sera Imposible Hasta Que Lo Consigas” We all have dreams and goals that we...
Quote: “En Esta Vida No Hay Nada Como Un Buen Amigo” Friendship is a precious gift that...
A great relationship is about two things: First, Appreciating the similarities and second, respecting the difference. A...
Quote : It doesn’t really matter who you used to be, what matters is who you’re becoming....
Quote : A parent’s love is like a lighthouse, always shining brightly and guiding us through life’s...
Quote : “Te amé desde el primer momento en que te vi” – I loved you from...
There’s a common saying that goes, “home is where the heart is.” It’s a beautiful sentiment that...