I don't respect those who don't respect me, You call it ego I call it self-respect.

I don’t respect those who don’t respect me, You call it ego I call it self-respect.

Respect is a two-way street. If someone doesn’t value or respect us, why should we continue to give them our time and energy? Some may call it ego, but in reality, it’s self-respect—knowing our worth and setting boundaries. Self-respect is about standing up for ourselves and not allowing others to treat us poorly. It’s not arrogance; it’s self-awareness and dignity. When we prioritize self-respect, we naturally attract people who appreciate and value us. If someone doesn’t respect you, don’t waste time trying to earn it—walk away with your head held high.

15 Related Unique Quotes:

  1. “Respect is earned, not demanded. If you can’t give it, don’t expect it.”
  2. “Self-respect means walking away from anything that no longer serves your peace.”
  3. “If my self-respect offends you, maybe you were benefiting from my lack of it.”
  4. “They call it attitude; I call it knowing my worth.”
  5. “I don’t chase people—I chase self-respect.”
  6. “Ego seeks validation; self-respect seeks peace.”
  7. “I stopped begging for respect when I realized my worth.”
  8. “Your actions tell me how much you respect me, not your words.”
  9. “If they don’t respect you, they don’t deserve access to you.”
  10. “Respect is a mirror—what you give is what you get.”
  11. “I don’t need everyone to like me, but I demand respect.”
  12. “Silence is better than forcing someone to respect you.”
  13. “A lack of respect is a lack of character.”
  14. “If you tolerate disrespect, you teach people how to treat you.”
  15. “My self-respect is not for negotiation.”


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