الْقُدُّوسُ – AL-QUDDUS – The Most Sacred – ALLAH 99 Names
In Islamic theology, one of the names of Allah (God) is “Al-Quddus,” which translates to “The Most Sacred” or “The Holy One.” It is derived from the Arabic root word “quds,” meaning purity or sanctity. This name is mentioned in the Qur’an, the central religious text of Islam, and holds significant meaning for Muslims.
Al-Quddus represents the absolute purity, holiness, and perfection of Allah. It highlights His transcendence and distinctiveness from His creation. As the Most Sacred, Allah is completely free from any imperfections, flaws, or impurities. He is untouched by any form of evil, sin, or corruption. This attribute emphasizes His moral perfection and His absolute goodness.
The name Al-Quddus also signifies the concept of sacredness and sanctity. It implies that Allah is the source of all that is pure and holy. Muslims believe that all acts of worship, obedience, and righteousness originate from Allah’s absolute sanctity. It inspires believers to strive for purity and righteousness in their thoughts, actions, and intentions.
Furthermore, Al-Quddus highlights the divine attribute of absolute knowledge and wisdom. Allah’s holiness encompasses His perfect knowledge of all things. He is aware of every detail, hidden or apparent, and possesses complete knowledge of the past, present, and future. Muslims believe that seeking closeness to Allah and adhering to His guidance leads to spiritual purification and an elevated state of holiness.
Muslims invoke the name Al-Quddus to seek divine purification, forgiveness, and protection. They strive to emulate the attributes of Allah, seeking purity in their character, intentions, and conduct. This name serves as a reminder of Allah’s infinite holiness and motivates believers to lead righteous lives and engage in acts of worship that honor and reflect His sacredness.
In summary, Al-Quddus is one of the names of Allah in Islam, emphasizing His absolute sanctity, purity, and moral perfection. It highlights His transcendence over creation, His role as the source of all that is sacred, and His perfect knowledge. Muslims invoke this name to seek divine purity and strive for righteousness in their lives.
Related Quotes :
Here are a few quotes related to the concept of Allah’s sanctity and holiness:
- “He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names. Whatever is in the heavens and earth is exalting Him. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.” – Quran 59:24
- “Allah is the Most Pure, and He loves purity.” – Prophet Muhammad (Hadith)
- “Verily, Allah is Pure and does not accept anything but that which is pure.” – Prophet Muhammad (Hadith)
- “And your Lord is the Forgiving, Full of Mercy. If He were to impose blame upon them for what they earned, He would have hastened for them the punishment. But for them is an appointment from which they will never find an escape. And those cities – We destroyed them when they wronged, and We made for their destruction an appointed time.” – Quran 18:58-59
- “The whole earth has been made a mosque and a means of purification for me.” – Prophet Muhammad (Hadith)
These quotes highlight the sanctity, purity, and holiness associated with Allah and the importance of seeking purity in one’s actions, intentions, and worship.